Friday, May 27, 2011

Fashion Week Invitation

Here is the invitation I made for my Fashion Week project; made it match the Fashion Week promotional poster that I had also made.

Hope you like it! Thanks for looking! :)

Children's Hat Design

Here's the final! :)

Fashion Tarot Cards

Never got to post the final versions of these! Here they are! Enjoy!

Officially Graduated!

Hey everyone, as you can see I haven't posted anything in a while due to the intenseness of my exhibition preparations! So now I freely blog all I want!

My graduating exhibition went extremely well, and I am going to greatly miss every peer I got to know over the past three years in Illustration and Design.

Here's a photo of my display!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Check this out!

Hey everyone, here is a great site that showcases selected artworks from everyone in my class, including myself of course!

Everyone is so talented; it's crazy that 3 years is almost over!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Children's Hat Design

Ah yes, yet another school project! Thank god it's fashion design!

Here's the line work for a children's hat concept, by yours truly! The theme is called "Switch It Up!" because the hat is reversible!

Enjoy! :)

Featured on Natasha Sebastian's Facebook page!

Hey guys!!

I have a friend who is a singer/songwriter from Montreal named Natasha Sebastian. She's a very talented individual, and she's already hit over 100,000 fans on Facebook!

I did a project on her recently for school. We had to make a "new culture" magazine, design the logo, cover page, and create a two-page spread. I posted the "almost final" version on my portfolio site, and she loved it, and therefore decided to post it to her fan page on Facebook!

Check it out here!:

and feel free to visit my portfolio site as well!

( the project is on this page: )

Thanks for looking! :)