Saturday, December 18, 2010


I have yet to finish this, not sure if I should go towards a more sketchy style or a realistic approach,
or maybe a mesh of both?


Back and Forth

So here's a project I had to create for school for the opening of Beaujolais wine.
Must have changed it about a bajillion times before handing in the final (third picture)
But it was worth it, taught me a lesson that you get the best result once you do some trial
and error ... And by trial and error I mean throwing sepia ink on multiple illustration boards to
attain a spill effect. It was fun...until I had to clean up.

Funny thing is that the week after this project was displayed for my school's open house, the metro newspaper cover had a martini glass spilling blood on the cover (in celebration for halloween) to advertise a sale at the SAQ. How odd... ;)

Don't remember where I found
this but I LOVE the pearl dress with
detailed layering...Looks expensive though.. :(

First Post!

Hey everyone,
I've tried to start a blog in the past but I've never had the time to do it. Now I finally
have some free time to spare, so I decided to stick to it and post some of my artwork.
I welcome your feedback and critiques!

Here's my business card design.
I'm hoping to work in the fashion industry once i'm done school, so I thought it would be cool to let
my business card accentuate fashion. Went for something a little more sophisticated and sketchy.
Hope you like it!